Demo Reel
Demo Reel
Demo Reel
Demo Reel

CyberTemplar (WIP)
Technical Designer
This project aims to develop an action-based combat system that felt slow, intentional, and weighty from the player's perspective as they dealt with comparatively chaotic waves of enemies.

Update 1
Though slow and intimidating in their walk, quick thrusts allow them to close gaps, getting in and out of danger. Their weapon of choice is a hard light hilt that can change into different weapons at will, able to mix and match during the combos depending on situational needs. The player can also pick up enemy weapons for an additional situation-based advantage.
Update 2
When creating this strong and slow-moving feeling, it was not enough to have them walk slowly or do significant damage; health was a crucial aspect of it as well. Giving them so much leeway until they are in danger allows the player to feel in control during a usually overwhelming situation, maintaining enough awareness to react appropriately.

Update 3
To break up the moment-to-moment gameplay and give the player a tool they can use to get out of a tight spot, the Jet Dash Attack was developed. It was a move that was difficult to find the right balance, with at first being entirely player-driven and happening in real time. What worked best for it, though, was keeping its speed while keeping in mind the character's slow, intentional, and weighty nature. This solution then spawned the plan to slow down time, draw a path, and allow the player to attack as they pass over enemies. This sequence allows for a break in the gameplay loop that feels fast and dynamic while maintaining the feeling of the rest of the combat.